최종현학술원 공동주최


Southeast Asian Cultural Values Forum

최종현학술원은 동남아시아의 문화적 본질, 문화유산 보존, 문화적 다양성과 교류, 협력에 대해 논의하기 위해 캄보디아의 대표적인 고등교육기관인 캄보디아왕립한림원(Royal Academy of Cambodia)과 공동으로 2005년부터 매년 동남아문화가치포럼을 개최하고 있습니다. 동남아문화가치포럼은 동남아 문화 분야에서 주요 국제회의로 자리잡았으며, 아세안 경제 성장과 더불어 앞으로 역할이 더욱 커질 것으로 기대되고 있습니다.

Challenges of Culture in the Technology Age
“Challenges of Culture in the Technology Age”라는 주제 하에 진행된 2019년 제15회 회의는 과학기술혁신 시대에 대응하는 문화정책을 논의했다. 작년 회의에 이어 이번에도 캄보디아 문화예술부 장관이 참석해서 연설을 발표했다.

Session 1: Challenges of Culture in the Technology Age
- Buddhism in Modern Technology: Perspectives
- UNITY in Cultural DIVERSITY in the Digital World from a Vedic Worldview
- Preserving Cultural Heritage in Western Myanmar: Digitization of Arakanese In--scriptions in the Technology Age
- The Mt. Pinatubo Ayta Experience Volcano Warning Systems Interfacing Indigenous/Local Knowledge with Science & Technology
- Going Glocal
- Language and Technology in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Culture Dialogue and Preserving the Identity of Vietnamese: National Culture in the Technology Age
- The Challenge of Glocalization on Khmer Language/Culture in Web-Based Instruction

Session 2: Cultural Role for Peace and Development
- Conservation of Buddhism Heritage Construction in Cambodia
- Documenting the History of Handmade Papers in Cambodia
- Buddhism in Cambodia
- Maintain a Healthy Relationship between both Western Countries and Their Asian Neighbors
- Sembung Instruments for Creating the Javanese Gamelan Musical Aesthetics
- Concepts of Peace through Khmer Literature
- Unsung Heroes of the Cambodian Arts: A Project of Arts for Peace Festival

Session 3: Initiatives and Innovation in Culture
- Banteay Srey Temple Conservation
- Satisfaction of Tourist towards Tourism Development in Vangvieng, Vientiane Province, Lao PDR
- Social Value through Khmer Folk Songs
- Traditional Markets, Shopping and Social Interaction
- Khmer Performing Arts in the Modern Age
- Digitization Contributes to the Preservation and Exploitation of Multi-ethnic Cultural Values in Vietnam
- The Meaning of Culture: From the Science of Mirror Neurons to the Beats of Popular Music

Session 4: Cultural Diversities
- Camphupura Ancient Capital of Chenla
- The Qing Imperial Illustration of Tributaries: Portrait of Southeast Asia Cultural Diversity
- The Developing of Khmer Curriculum for Foreigners
- Role of Cultural Diversity in a Society
- Rice, Sugar, Salt and Chili in Khmer Beliefs
- In Kon Fon Khaen: Cultural Diversities of Thailand
- China Culture in Present Khmer Society
- Transborder Health Service as the ASEAN Connectivity in Practice: A Case study of Hospital Service Used by Cambodia Patients in Northeast Thailand

날짜 : 2019.12.19 ~ 20

장소 : 캄보디아 프놈펜
