최종현학술원 공동주최


Shandong Forum

산동성의 대표 대학인 산동대학과는 산동 지역의 문화적 특성과 지리점 이점을 활용하여 ‘2016년 ‘동아시아 운명공동체의 과거와 현재, 미래’를 주제로 제1회 산둥포럼을 개최하였고, 격년으로 개최하고 있습니다. 한국·중국·일본·미국·러시아의 저명학자들이 한 자리에 모여 동북아의 지역적 특성을 고려한 사회통합 촉진을 위한 다양한 아이디어를 나누고 있습니다.

A Shared Future: East Asia facing the profound Changes Unseen in A Century

Session 1: Formation and Development of the Common Discourse of Humanities in East Asia
Session 2: Regional Economy and Trade Cooperation in East Asia facing the Profound Changes Unseen in a Century
Session 3: Legal Cooperation in the East Asian Countries
Session 4: National Governance and Regional Collaborative Governance in East Asia
Session 5: Profound Changes Unseen in a Century and East Asian Cooperation from the Perspective of Area Studies
Round-table: Longevity and Prosperity A Positive Outlook on the Aging Population Issues

University Presidents' Forum: Strengthening Exchange and Cooperation of Universities in East Asia amid the Profound Changes Unseen in a Century


[Opening Ceremony]
 - WANG Luming, Head of the Standing Committee of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee

 - PARK In-kook, President of Chey Institute for Advanced Studies
 - FAN Liming, President of Shandong University

[Keynote Speech]

 - HE Yafei, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China

 - XU Haoliang, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Assistant Administrator

 - YEOM Jaeho, Former President of Korea University

 - WANG Liming, Class I Professor of Renmin University of China

 - Peter J. Katzenstein, Professor of International Studies at Cornell University

 - QIN Yaqing, Former President of China Foreign Affairs University

날짜 : 2021.10.09 ~ 10

장소 : 산동대 칭다오캠퍼스, Grand Mercure Hotel
