[CLS 30] President Karel De Gucht (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
The Rise of China and The Future of The Global Economic Order

2017.09.19 16:00 - 18:00

Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS) invited President Karel De Gucht of Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel to give a lecture on “The Rise of China and The Future of The Global Economic Order” on September 19th as the 30th lecture in the China Lecture Series. Based on his experience as the former EU Commissioner for Trade, Professor De Gucht gave a lecture specifically on the rise of China from European perspective.

Professor De Gucht began his talk by stating that the world’s relationship with trade and globalization took an unpredictable turn in 2016. He mentioned that globalization is getting blamed for everything wrong in the world today and that people tend to disregard the benefits gained from globalization in the past. Professor De Gucht adamantly claimed that turning toward protectionism is not the answer, expressing his concern about the US withdrawal from TPP. Moreover, he talked about the fact that China is trying to position itself as a global leader on free trade.

Professor De Gucht explained how China has made headway into the overseas market in order to resolve domestic overcapacity problem. He pointed out that China resorts to dumping where it exports products abroad far below the agreed production price with the risk of market distortions. He expressed concerns that if China is granted Market Economy Status without meeting the international criteria, China’s dumping on the European or Asian market would even get worse and it would be more difficult to hold China accountable for their unfair trade practices.

Karel DE GUCHT, CHO Youngjeen, CHOI Byung-il

Lectures and Topics

  • Speaker: Karel DE GUCHT,

    The Rise of China and The Future of The Global Economic Order

    Video 1

  • Panelist: CHO Youngjeen, GSIS, Ewha Womans University


    Video 1

  • Panelist: CHOI Byung-il, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies


    Video 1